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Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.
Personalized learning is becoming increasingly essential in how we learn, enhanced by gamification. Here's why you need it.
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Adult learners require the satisfaction of different needs and preferences to younger students. Here's how to effectively tailor learning.
Here's how microlearning research can help. Cognitive dissonance can often hinder the learning process and success of employees in the workplace.
Join SC Training (formerly EdApp) Performance Team athlete, Chris Wallace, on his spectacular and challenging journey, filled with a whole gamut of emotions!
Mobile learning provides endless benefits to the capabilities of employees, including their engagement and understanding of knowledge.
The flow of millennials into the workforce is increasing at rapid rates, meaning that organizations must accommodate their needs. Here's how.
Microlearning is designed to capture and retain the attention of your employees long-term. Here's exactly how and why you should adopt it too.
Microlearning has been revolutionary in the learning and development world, offering companies the most successful employee training strategy.
Inclusion and diversity elearning is essential for corporate success, as well as employees' development. Here's why you need eLearning.
Retaining employees is important for the steady progression of a company, contributing to overall success. Here's how to do it.
Game-based learning is known as gamification in the learning and development world, loved by all who use it. Here's how to implement it!
The automotive industry is packed with important information for effective performance. Here is how microlearning can help.