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10 Client onboarding software to boost your business success


July 13, 2023


Jen Avelino


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Client onboarding software

If you're tired of the old-fashioned, time-consuming methods of bringing new clients on board, then you might be interested in investing in client onboarding software. In this article, we’ll explore the best client onboarding software that can help simplify your onboarding process and help you make a great first impression with your clients. 

1. SC Training (formerly EdApp)

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a powerful client onboarding software that combines interactive content, microlearning, and cloud-based technology to deliver an effective onboarding experience. 

Client onboarding software - SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Among SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s key features is its intuitive creator tool, designed to make the entire course creation quick and easy. With this tool, you can create interactive and engaging courses that include multimedia elements such as videos, images, and quizzes. This approach makes sure that your clients are actively involved in the onboarding process, leading to a better understanding and retention of information.

Client onboarding software - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Creator Tool

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is also gaining attention for its Create with AI tool, which is built for businesses, trainers, and L&D professionals who don’t have enough resources to make their courses from scratch. As its name suggests, it’s backed by AI technology that can help power through your course creation. Forget about designing lessons all from scratch. Just pop in your topic, and the tool will automatically create the entire course for you.


Client onboarding software - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Create with AI

Microlearning is the backbone of this onboarding LMS. All their templates are designed to make the lessons short and highly targeted. By breaking down complex concepts into smaller, easily digestible lessons, SC Training (formerly EdApp) helps to avoid overwhelming your clients with too much information at once.

Client onboarding software - SC Training (formerly EdApp) microlearning

And lastly, you and your clients will also benefit from SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s cloud-based technology. Store all the relevant courses in this reliable and secure space. This way, your clients can easily access whenever they need a refresher about your products and services.

Cost: Free

Key features: 

  • Creator tool
  • Create with AI tool
  • Microlearning materials
  • Cloud-based technology

Create better client onboarding experiences with SC Training (formerly EdApp) today! Join us today for free – no credit card needed.

2. UserGuiding

UserGuiding is an all-in-one customer onboarding software that is equipped with advanced features, designed to take your client onboarding to the next level. With its intuitive no-code platform, you can effortlessly create interactive walkthroughs and product tours through a simple drag-and-drop approach. 

Client onboarding software - UserGuiding

You’ll also find their powerful segmentation and targeting feature extremely useful. This feature allows you to target different customer groups. Meaning, you can deliver custom onboarding materials and create unique experiences tailored to each client. 

Alongside these features is an in-depth analytics tool that can help you gain valuable insights into the performance of your client‘s onboarding journey. This will help you identify what your users like and dislike about your onboarding process so you can optimize it accordingly. 

Cost: Starts at 89 USD per month

Key features: 

  • No-code content creation tool
  • Segmentation and targeting
  • In-depth analytics tool

3. Churnzero

Churnzero is also a great client onboarding software to consider. Their In-App Product WalkThroughs is one of the best features to check out. Whether you want to onboard your new clients or showcase some of your new features, this tool can help you take them through a step-by-step guide within your application. 

Client onboarding software - Churnzero

Not only that, but you can also create timelines and track your clients' progress with ease. This feature equips you with valuable insights into how effectively clients are absorbing the information needed to make the most of your product or service. By keeping tabs on their progress, you can rest assured that everyone is on the same page and make adjustments if necessary. 

Cost: Available upon request

Key features: 

  • In-App Product WalkThroughs
  • Training timelines
  • Onboarding tracking

4. WalkMe

With WalkMe, you can deliver an intuitive and effective onboarding experience without going through a time-consuming client onboarding process. Its standout feature, Smart Walk-Thrus, offers step-by-step guidance and on-screen prompts, allowing your clients to effortlessly navigate through your application. 

Client onboarding software - Walkme

This client onboarding software also takes client onboarding to new heights through its AI-powered technology. It adapts to individual user behaviors, making sure that your clients receive a seamless and customized experience. You can also use this software to create in-app surveys and feedback to gather valuable insights from your clients and further improve your onboarding process.  

Cost: Available upon request

Key features: 

  • Smart Walk-Thrus
  • AI technology
  • In-app surveys and feedback

5. Appcues

Appcues puts the power of personalized onboarding in your hands through its intuitive drag-and-drop builder. As a no-code tool, it allows you to design your onboarding materials even without any coding knowledge. You can further boost your client’s product adoption and retention through its interactive tooltips, which guide users through self-service walkthroughs, in-app messages, and exciting feature announcements. 

Client onboarding software - Appcues

But that’s not all – Appcues can also help you A/B test your onboarding programs. This will help you better measure which of your initiatives perform more effectively. 

Cost: Starts at 249 USD per month

Key features: 

  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Interactive tooltips
  • A/B testing

6. Pendo

With its product adoption tools, including in-app guides and walkthroughs, Pendo empowers you to guide your clients through a seamless onboarding experience. What makes Pendo a good client onboarding software is its ability to segment and target guides, making sure that the right clients or users receive the right onboarding walkthrough at the right time. 

Client onboarding software - Pendo

Pendo also offers a product analytics tool, which creates powerful insights into user behavior. This helps you understand how clients navigate through your product. By identifying clients with low product usage or adoption post-onboarding, you can retarget them and give them better in-app guidance. 

Cost: Free for 500 monthly users; paid plans start at 7,000 USD for 2,000 monthly users

Key features: 

  • In-app guides and walkthroughs
  • User segmentation and targeting
  • Product analytics tool

7. Gainsight

When it comes to creating personalized onboarding, Gainsight is a great software to check out. With its customer segmentation feature, you can create onboarding journeys based on specific customer segments, giving them a personalized experience from the get-go. You’ll also benefit from its automated emails, helping you reach your clients at scale and further streamline your onboarding process.

Client onboarding software - Gainsight

Additionally, Gainsight allows you to gain valuable insights into client health and usage patterns through its in-depth analytics and reporting, so you can better make data-driven decisions. And to top it off, you can drive targeted playbooks and automated outreaches as you see notable changes in your client’s health data. 

Cost: Available upon request

Key features: 

  • Customer segmentation
  • Automated emails
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Targeted playbooks and automated outreaches

8. Totango’s SuccessBLOC

Planning to onboard high volumes of clients? Then Totango’s SuccessBLOC is your go-to tool. What’s great about this onboarding portal is that you can automate your onboarding tasks to welcome all your new customers at scale. You can even trigger early notifications to make sure no client gets left behind. And on top of their automation features, you can also create beautiful and interactive campaigns to guide your clients through the setup process. 

Client onboarding software - Totango

Cost: Starts at 249 USD per month

Key features: 

  • Automated onboarding tasks
  • Automated notifications
  • Beautiful and interactive campaigns

9. Intercom

Intercom’s interactive tours and guides help make sure that your clients and customers are equipped with everything they need to know about your products and services. Creating these guides is code-free, which is something that would help your designers and engineers save more of their valuable time. 

Client onboarding software - Intercom

Intercom Messenger also takes the onboarding experience to a whole new level by allowing you to communicate with your clients in real time. And with AI-powered chatbots at your disposal, your clients can receive accurate answers to any questions they may have, anytime and anywhere they need it. 

Cost: Starts at 74 USD per month

Key features: 

  • Interactive tours and guides
  • Intercom Messenger
  • AI-powered chatbots

10. Userlane

You can also turn to Userlane if you’re looking to create personalized and interactive client onboarding experiences. With its Userlane Guides, you can lead your new clients through step-by-step workflows. And the best part is that it can be done directly within your application. This allows your clients to get familiar with your product or services quickly, without having to ask a number of repetitive questions. 

Client onboarding software - Userlane

Userlane also offers informative tooltips, designed to give clients advanced guidance. All they need to do is hover their mouse over the branded tooltip icons, and from there, they’ll gain additional context about a new feature or a service they’re not familiar with. 

Cost: Available upon request

Key features: 

  • Userlane guides
  • Informative tooltips


Jen Avelino

Jen is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps corporates and businesses bring their training solutions to the next level. She carries an extensive writing experience in a variety of fields, including architecture, the gig economy, and computer software. Outside of work, she enjoys her free time watching her favorite series and documentaries, reading motivational books, and cross-stitching.

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