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4 Ways to Teach Staff with Spaced Repetition


February 6, 2019


Scott Whitaker


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Teach Staff with Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is an effective teaching method that uses increasing time intervals between the reviews of previously learned information to exploit the spacing effect. Spaced repetition is a method that is designed for the long term retention of information and it is an innovative way that companies are training their staff. Here are four ways to teach your staff using spaced repetition that include short bursts of information and regular testing for better recall of the information.

Understanding Terminology

Spaced repetition is an efficient way to teach people about a different language. However, it can also work well in teaching staff new terminology that they need in the field. Every business has its own lingo and knowing it is vital to the success of the business. The use of spaced repetition systems makes learning lots of new pieces of information easier and more efficient. With technology, the system can be enhanced without the use of flashcards.

Repetition Made Smart

There is a specific rate at which we lose information instead of retaining it. That is why repetition is so important. However, just trying to cram a bunch of information in there at one time isn’t going to work for long term retention. That is why when using spaced repetition, you are getting the same results, but being smarter about it. Your learners need to repeat their learning, but this is done in small bursts, that introduce the terms or ideas already learned back into the set. There is a continuous flow of old information that is weaved into the new information that is being repeated.

Quick Recaps

Another great way to teach using spaced repetition is to provide recaps of past information. This will work to provide the users the repetition that is needed to retain more of the knowledge being taught to them. At the beginning of a new lesson, the learner can be tested on old information or provided a recap of the past information.

Use of Time Intervals

Sometimes having a little time away from the study material is more effective than continual access. Therefore, you can implement time intervals into the times between study sessions, so that the learners have better retention and fewer hours spent studying the material. This technique can help them improve their ability to recall the information that they are studying.

The use of Spaced Repetition is an effective one and managers and trainers within organizations can benefit from using the method. When creating mobile learning or e-learning environments, perfecting the spaced repetition system is so much easier to do.

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Scott Whitaker

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