EdApp by SafetyCulture
The grounds

The Grounds & SC Training

A Hospitality Case Study. Discover how The Grounds is setting the standard for hospitality training with the help of SC Training (formerly EdApp). For their largely casual and dispersed teams, The Grounds saves time and delivers amazing customer service - every time.

How mobile training offers The Grounds ultimate flexibility

With 7 venues and over 350 staff, The Grounds can easily deliver training that their dispersed teams can access straight from their smartphones. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s seamless integration with Deputy means that The Grounds saves hours of time on onboarding, scheduling, and staff management.

The hospitality group also has the freedom to deliver highly customized training by either creating content from scratch or choosing from hundreds of ready-made lessons found in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s editable course library.

The Grounds needed a training solution for 350+ shift workers serving a high volume of customers

The hospitality group needed a training solution to quickly create onboarding and necessary training that their team could complete on-the-go. It also needed to be highly engaging to ensure that their staff – a majority of whom are casual workers and students – are motivated to complete their training without it being a drain on their energy or time.

The Grounds

The fact that SC Training (formerly EdApp) is on mobile is really great for us. It means that teams they can do their training on-the-go; it's easily accessible. And – we can track the progress and easily identify when we need to coach an individual in the right direction.

Kayleigh Longuehaye, People & Learning Manager at The Grounds

Shift worker management and training in one place with a seamless Deputy integration

For a simplified admin and worker experience, The Grounds uses SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s seamless integration with Deputy, an award-winning workforce management and scheduling system. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s integration capabilities and lightweight platform means The Grounds can set-up and deliver training in record time.

Through SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Deputy integration, The Grounds’ management team are able to easily create and allocate training, schedule shift workers, manage roster changes, and streamline payroll in half the admin time.

Spend less time in the back office creating and managing training

With automated training delivered straight to their teams’ smartphones, The Grounds managers can easily create, schedule and track courses for their workers to complete right from SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s LMS. This allows them to be on the floor – instead of the back office – to better support the team and ensures that each worker has completed their training.

How The Grounds customizes training in minutes with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s fully editable course library

To scale their training quickly, The Grounds can either create content from scratch or use SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s editable hospitality library to import, edit and send relevant training to their 350+ workers in minutes. With almost 40 courses designed specifically for hospitality, The Grounds management are able to easily rebrand and tailor training to provide a highly relevant and engaging experience for their teams.

The Grounds and SC Training (formerly EdApp): Training that shift workers can complete on-the-go from their smartphone

Since SC Training (formerly EdApp) is built for mobile, it’s perfect for The Grounds’ shift workers, giving them the ultimate freedom and flexibility to complete training when it’s convenient for them. No longer bound by clunky training modules on-site, workers can complete their bite-sized training whenever they have 5 minutes to spare.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) uses native smartphone elements like swipes, drag and drop, and match to make training feel more like a game – not work. This can make even policy-based training more interactive and engaging for staff and ultimately leads to higher completion rates and message retention.

Transforming the way The Grounds automates and scales their training with SC Training (formerly EdApp)

SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides The Grounds with the tools to create, automate and scale their training in a simplified way for both their managers to set up and track, and their workers to complete at their convenience. As a result, The Grounds has a mobile training solution that accommodates their shift workers, minimizes the amount of on-the-job training required, and provides a central place to track and report training progress, course completion and compliance.



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