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10 Complaint handling training courses

In any industry, handling complaints can be challenging. To help with this, we’ve curated a list of complaint handling training courses that you can deliver to your teams. The list includes courses for customer service in sales, hospitality, and more.

Complaint handling training
SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Customer Service: Handling Complaints

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Customer Service: Handling Complaints is a free online course specifically designed to help individuals and teams improve their skills in handling customer complaints effectively. This complaint handling course highlights useful tips and tricks to address customer concerns and turn their negative experiences into positive ones.

Here, your team will learn how to work with customers and their complaints, including understanding the emotions involved and empathizing with the customer’s perspective. They’ll also explore how to deal with online customer complaints and constructively address negative reviews. The course focuses on the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and finding solutions to resolve customer issues promptly and satisfactorily.

It’s carefully created to be engaging and interactive, with games and quizzes to enhance the learning experience. Once your employees finish the course, they’ll also receive a certificate of completion that recognizes their improved knowledge and skills in handling customer complaints.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Dealing with Difficult Customers

Sometimes, the person complaining can be difficult to deal with. To add to your complaint handling training, consider delivering SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Dealing with Difficult Customers course. It’s a self-paced microlearning course that will help your employees handle tough customer situations and complaints better. They’ll be able to manage challenging interactions and turn unhappy customers into satisfied ones.

In this course, they’ll go through the different types of difficult customers and the ways to respond to their complaints in a professional and caring way. They’ll discover how to solve problems and deal with tough situations, such as when a customer gets the wrong food or is intoxicated. The course will teach them why it’s important to stay positive, listen actively, and find solutions that satisfy customers.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Active Listening

Active listening plays a crucial role in complaint handling. It allows your team to fully understand and empathize with their customers’ concerns, which can lead to effective problem resolution and improved customer satisfaction.

This course is part of SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s retail customer service training courses that can help your employees become better listeners when dealing with customer complaints. Through this, they’ll learn the important principles of active listening and how to use them effectively in sales and retail.

They’ll also discover techniques to overcome common obstacles that hinder good listening. Plus, some practical tips to minimize distractions, manage fatigue, and create a listening-friendly environment.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)


The Art of Effective Customer Complaints Handling

This complaint handling training course offered by BSI teaches valuable skills to handle complaints in a way that turns customer concerns into opportunities for improvement. It’s suitable for anyone who interacts with customers directly, like front-line staff, sales teams, and customer service teams.

Through this program, course-takers will delve into helpful strategies to understand why customers complain and how to prevent future issues. They’ll learn the importance of rebuilding trust with customers after a complaint and the policies and procedures to follow during the complaint handling process.

Created by: BSI

Length: 1 day

Certificate: Available

Cost: 650 USD


Customer Complaint Handling (On-Demand)

Tailored for professionals working in quality assurance, quality control, and regulatory affairs, this customer complaint handling course covers important topics suitable for complaints training in specific industries. That includes rules and regulations for dealing with market complaints, different categories of complaints, and finding the root causes of problems through analysis.

Learners will study real-life examples to understand why it’s essential to address customer complaints promptly and properly. By completing this course, they’ll have what it takes to handle market complaints well to guarantee customer satisfaction and compliance with regulations.

Created by: USP

Length: 49 minutes (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: 80 USD

Zoe Talent Solutions

Customer Complaints Handling and Management

Zoe Talent Solutions’ training program focuses on putting the customer at the center of the complaint handling process and building positive relationships with them. It offers insights and techniques to improve complaint handling skills and contribute to delivering exceptional customer service.

By attending this training, your employees will know how to identify their customers’ needs, handle difficult emotions, and communicate effectively to turn unhappy customers into loyal supporters. The course also stresses the need to listen carefully, use appropriate body language, and respond in a customer-focused manner.

Created by: Zoe Talent Solutions

Length: 5 days (live session)

Certificate: Available

Cost: 2,050 USD

High Speed Training

Complaint Handling Training Course

This complaints training course offers practical advice on how to handle complaints in a way that not only solves the immediate issue but also helps improve your business overall.

It emphasizes the importance of good communication, both in writing and speaking, to make sure employees can understand their customers. Whether the complaint comes through a phone call, email, social media, or in person, they’ll know how to handle it properly and find a solution that satisfies both parties.

Created by: High Speed Training

Length: 2 hours (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: 31.46 USD


Complaints Handling for Managers

Managers have a crucial role in making sure there are enough resources and systems in place to handle complaints and serve clients well. Skillcast’s complaint handling training program helps managers learn how to effectively deal with customer complaints in the financial services industry.

This course includes lessons on complaint management, the responsibilities of managers, complaint procedures, and the role of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). By completing the training, managers will be able to handle complaints properly, satisfy retail clients, and meet regulatory requirements.

Created by: Skillcast

Length: 35 minutes

Certificate: Available

Cost: Contact Skillcast for pricing

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Effective Communication in Customer Service

Effective communication is extremely important when handling complaints. It allows your employees to find the right solutions and address complaints promptly, which can result in happier customers and greater satisfaction.

Through this course, you can help your employees enhance their communication skills when dealing with complaints. It’ll teach them how to listen actively, understand customer needs, and communicate clearly and empathetically. It also presents strategies to overcome communication barriers and engaging scenarios that will test your team’s active listening skills.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism

In SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism course, your employees will gain significant skills for handling complaints in a customer-centric way. They’ll discover what makes good customer service and develop their skills in active listening, communication, and problem-solving.

They’ll also discover useful strategies on how to warmly welcome guests, make a positive first impression, and deal with complaints. That includes understanding the customer’s point of view, showing empathy, and finding appropriate solutions to issues raised. By learning these techniques, your employees will be better prepared to handle difficult situations and leave a positive impression on guests.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

In any business, it’s normal to encounter customer complaints. But to protect customer retention and overall company reputation, you need to make sure your employees know how to handle complaints the right way. Training allows you to do that.

Now, the goals of complaint handling training are twofold. First, to equip employees with the skills to effectively resolve customer complaints. And second, to promote a customer-centric mindset that values feedback as an opportunity for improvement.

Building a positive brand image doesn’t come easily. Keep in mind that training is a strategic investment in creating strong customer relationships and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

What are the 5 stages of complaint handling?

Understanding complaint handling procedures allows you to guide your team to handle concerns in a systematic and customer-centric manner. Here are the five stages of complaint handling:

  • Acknowledgment: Start by acknowledging the customer’s complaint promptly and sincerely. Let them know that their concerns are being taken seriously.
  • Understanding: Take the time to understand the customer’s complaint fully. Encourage active listening and ask questions about all the necessary information.
  • Investigation: Conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint. Gather relevant facts, review any supporting documentation, and involve the necessary teams or departments to get a complete picture of the issue.
  • Resolution: Work towards finding a fair and appropriate resolution. Collaborate with the customer to identify potential solutions and strive to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome.
  • Follow-up: After resolving the complaint, follow up with the customer to confirm their satisfaction and address any lingering concerns. Use this opportunity to collect feedback and improve the complaint-handling process.

What are the topics included in complaint handling training?

As a training manager, you want to make sure that your employees are well-prepared to handle tough customer service scenarios. Here are the topics that should be included in complaint handling training:

  • Active listening – the importance of actively listening to customers, understanding their concerns, and demonstrating empathy.
  • Effective communication – how to communicate clearly and professionally when addressing complaints, both verbally and in writing.
  • Problem-solving – techniques to find appropriate solutions and resolve complaints efficiently.
  • Customer empathy – customer-centric mindset and the importance of understanding and empathizing with customers’ perspectives.
  • De-escalation techniques – how to defuse tense situations and handle difficult customers with patience and composure.
  • Conflict resolution – strategies for effectively resolving conflicts and finding mutually beneficial resolutions.
  • Handling different types of complaints – various types of complaints, such as product issues, service dissatisfaction, or billing problems.
  • Managing customer expectations – how to set realistic expectations with customers and deliver on promises.
  • Documentation and reporting – how to accurately document complaints and report important information to management for analysis and improvement.

Foster positive customer experiences with complaint handling training

Negative experiences can spread quickly through word-of-mouth and online reviews, which can hurt your business in the long run. To avoid these issues, train your team in complaint handling.

Training helps your employees learn how to listen carefully to customers, understand their concerns, and find the right solutions to their problems. That way, they can turn bad experiences into good ones and keep their customers pleased. They’ll become valuable assets who don’t simply handle complaints well but also retain customers and contribute to your company’s success.

With training platforms like SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can help your employees develop the skills they need to handle customer complaints confidently and professionally. Sign up today and train your teams for free.

Explore our library including complaint handling training courses.

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