Do you think you've got more food poisoning knowledge than most? Try our free quiz
As a business owner, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your employees. That includes making sure they are aware of the dangers of food poisoning and what to do if they experience any symptoms. Food poisoning can be caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses, and can have serious consequences for your employees, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and even death. That’s why it’s important to provide your employees with food safety training that includes information on how to prevent food poisoning, safe food handling practices, and what to do if they experience any symptoms. You can also provide your employees with a food safety quiz to test their knowledge on food safety and help to reinforce the information they have learned.
With this food poisoning quiz, you can identify and close knowledge gaps so your team can easily recall how to guard against food poisoning. This knowledge is critical for protecting the safety and health of your team, as it teaches them how to properly store and cook food, identify food poisoning symptoms, and understand the best practices for preventing food poisoning. Not only is this a risk to your workers, it’s also important to ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular food safety checks, your team will be more confident with how to handle food in the workplace. Plus, you’ll also get access to your team’s results so you can understand individual workers’ knowledge gaps, as well as overall performance once the quiz is complete. For teams that require more regular refresher training, you’ll also have the option to deliver the food poisoning quiz to your learners in bite-sized chunks, at regular intervals. This allows your team to reinforce their knowledge at their own pace, making them more likely to recall and implement what they learned sooner than if they were to have completed a one-off training program. So, don’t delay! quiz your team for free today.
RECALL What are the main factors which influence a persons susceptibility to food poisoning
RECALL Which of the following is most likely to infect you with Norovirus
RECALL At what temperature should you keep raw foods in a refrigerator
Washing raw meat and poultry prior to cooking is bad practice
LETS RECAP Which of the following causes food poisoning when you swallow food or drink contaminated with them
What factors influence the growth of bacteria
What is the correct order to undertake food poisoning prevention strategies smallOrder the practices from the first to the last stepsmall