Do you think you've got more temperature knowledge than most? Try our free quiz
In any industry, it's important to be aware of the temperature and take steps to protect your employees from the heat or cold. Extreme temperatures can cause health problems for people, which can lead to loss of productivity. In extreme cases, it can even lead to death. That's why we've put together this quiz on temperature. It will help your employees learn about the dangers of extreme heat and cold and what they can do to stay safe.
With this temperature quiz, you can identify what parts of your organization’s temperature-related processes your team members are less familiar with and close these knowledge gaps so your team can easily implement them. This knowledge is critical for protecting your business from temperature-related hazards, as it teaches them how to monitor and adjust the temperature in their work area, dress appropriately for the weather, and be aware of the early signs of heat stress. With this reinforcement of your organization’s temperature policies, your employees will feel more confident and empowered, and are less likely to make mistakes that could result in temperature-related injuries. This will improve the overall safety of your business. Not only can reinforcing this essential training mitigate business risk, it also helps ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. This quiz allows you to track the progress of employees and identify any individuals who may require additional training. For team members that require additional regular refresher training, you’ll also have the option to deliver the temperature quiz to them in bite-sized chunks, at regular intervals. This allows your team to reinforce their knowledge at their own pace, making them more likely to recall what they learned sooner than if they were to have completed a one-off training program. And the best part is that your teams can access this temperature quiz on their preferred device whenever they have 5 minutes to spare – whether that’s on their commute, in between tasks, or before they finish up for the day.
Do you remember what powers Earths climate
What distributes heat around the Earth
Is current warming on pace with the usual cycles
Why do you think our climate is changing faster than usual
Where does the extra CO2 come from
What are the 2 direct consequences of ice melting on Earths climate
What happens to soil when it absorbs more heat
What does a small change in average temperature mean
Cross out the incorrect word brTropical cyclones draw their power from the warmth of the atmosphere
To limit global warming we need to achieve carbon neutrality
Do you remember what happened to the Amazon rainforest in 2019
What are the three types of tipping points for Earths climate
Aside from hyperthermia what are the other risks associated with working at high temperatures
After prolonged excessive sweating the body experiences heat exhaustion
When a worker feels discomfort while working in the heat we should allow a rest or water break to let them recover
What are the 5 components of Earths climate system
What causes these natural cycles of temperature variations Several possible answers
What is the process of what we call the greenhouse effect Order these 3 steps
Why do CO2 levels drop from May to September in the Northern Hemisphere
The reflective power of a surface is defined by its albedo
What does a positive feedback loop mean
How would you say climate change is related to extreme weather events
What are the main consequences of global warming on weather
How does global warming affect rainfall
If Earth keeps warming it could reach a tipping point
The key element in our climate reaching a tipping point is brpositive feedback loops
Can you order the following cascading effects of one tipping point on the others
Heat stress occurs when the body fails to dissipate excess heat This leads to a rise in core temperature which can cause heat related illnesses
Train workers before sending them out to work in high temperature settings